Statistical Tie

Bush Post-Convention Lead Slips to Tie With Kerry

This article was interesting. Then it got a lot more interesting with this paragraph:

“Bush futures on the Dublin-based Intrade Internet betting site fell 0.3 points today to 66.5, meaning that bettors guess Bush has a 66.5 percent chance of winning the election. The futures traded at a low of 49 on Aug. 13, when crude oil prices hit a 21-year high. “

They’re referring to, “a trading exchange for Politics, Current Events, Financial Indicators, Weather & other Unique Contracts.”

Very cool.


Gmail Privacy Policy

Gmail under attack in California

Well, I guess this is as good a time as any for my Gmail post. They offered beta accounts to Blogger members, so I got one, and am currently having my regular mail forwarded to my new Gmail address. I did this fully aware of the privacy concerns surrounding the service.

To be honest, the privacy concerns seem minimal to me. My father always said that nothing should ever be sent via email that wouldn’t be written on the back of a postcard. While I don’t follow this guideline, I believe in its truth, and I know that I can’t complain if sensitive information that I have emailed is compromised. With any email service, if privacy is what you’re looking for, you should be using PGP or another encryption service.

The article above raises excellent points about the services for which we are willing to compromise our privacy in nearly identical ways, and the things that we may inadvertantly be giving up if we pass legislation like what’s been proposed in California. That said, even if we weren’t giving up services that might be useful, it’s still our job as consumers to decide on an individual basis whether or not our privacy is worth it, and this isn’t the kind of thing for which there is a universal answer that can be mandated by the government.

Anyway, if Gmail is a concern for you, but you’d like to send me email, here’s my PGP key. Actually, if Gmail is a concern for you, I suggest just getting over it. But you can send me email anyway.

Antique Porn

This is a very interesting site, but not work safe. It’s erotica/porn/general nudity since the invention of photography. It’s amazing how what we think is beautiful has changed over just 120 years or so. Not only are the body shapes very different, but even many of the faces would be considered ugly by today’s standards.

Other random shots I thought were interesting:

Nature Nudes

Nature & Bondage

Nude Reclining