3 thoughts on “intelligent like a bush”

  1. I can’t even believe politicians are still having this conversation! Didn’t we resolve this issue in 1923?
    I find it ironic that America’s religious right has so much in common with the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and other Muslim fanatics that want to roll back all of the advancements humanity has made in the past century. Not only do they want god in schools, they don’t like abortion or gay marriage either.
    Forget about the “with-us-or-against-us” mentality. The religious wingnuts of all hues are on the same side: they favor ignorance over enlightenment.

  2. Well put!

    It was disturbing to me when the Dover School District did its thing, but it was also fathomable. It is, after all, a rural area largely unspoiled by many aspects of modernity.

    When our president says the same thing, I almost think he must be kidding. There are no words.

    I’m thinking maybe he just misunderstood when they told him his job was to execute the Constitution.

  3. I don’t know for sure, but I suspect Santorum (God bless him) has taken this position on intelligent design to blunt potential criticism as he prepares for a tough re-election campaign next year. As I’ve said previously, I’m not opposed to intelligent design as part of the curriculum for a religion or philosophy class; it’s a growing movement, and students should have information about it. However, intelligent design has no basis in science and shouldn’t be taught as if it does. The fact that Bush supports intelligent design isn’t surprising, given his personal beliefs, but I’ll admit it’s a bit scary to see the leader of the free world advocating it as a viable alternative to evolution. It’s times like this when the irrefutable genius of the 22nd amendment becomes evident. Bush has become the messiah for evangelical Christians, and I fear he would probably win again in 2008 if he could run again.

    In related note, the 2005 Creation Mega-Conference (who knew such an event existed?) was held in Virginia last month. During the conference, about 2,000 or so attendees listened to presentations from some hardcore creationists who basically think intelligent design supporters are sell outs. Fortunately, Reason provided some enlightened (and highly amusing) coverage of the highlights:

    By the way, I loved the reference to Dover as “unspoiled by many aspects of modernity”; I think that’s about the most diplomatic way I’ve ever heard it described.

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