Intelligent Design?

Pennsylvania’s School of Creationism

There’s a fine line.

I’m frustrated by my recent inner turmoil about whether or not to be offended by a Menorah at a public function, and then about whether or not to be offended by my own lack of offence. I’m frustrated that we are so PC that we are automatically offended by symbols of the majority holiday, but encouraging (in a vaguely patronizing way) of symbols of minority holidays.

I’m frustrated that we are so adamant about removing anything even vaguely related to religion (especially majority religion) from any institution even vaguely related to government. I dislike our society’s current trend toward “Scientism” over any and all ideas that cannot be explained in a laboratory.

Sometimes I even believe in something that could be described as “intelligent design”, although I doubt it’s something most Christians would recognize as such.

And yet…

In a town only ten miles from mine, they are mandating the teaching of Creationism in high school biology classes. Mostly, I’m appalled.

There’s a fine line. I don’t know where to draw it.

(And as a side note, perhaps this, along with the claim that “45 per cent of Americans believe that humans were created by God in their current form within the past 10,000 years”, could be indicative of an atmosphere in which it is secularists, rather than Christians, who are most eager to loosen restrictions on private schools and vouchers. A natural shift, if “liberal” has anything to do with “liberty”.)

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