for the birds

I’m a pretty big fan of buying organic. I do it whenever practicable, not out of any real commitment to keeping impurities and chemicals out of my body, but because I figure it’s a painless way to at least reduce the contaminants in my blood stream, and, you know, feel like a good person.

Lately, however, I’m starting to think that pesticides are the way to go. First it was the worms in the corn, then the spiders (and their eggs!) on the kale, and tonight, well…let’s just say I don’t eat butterfly.

Chrysalis in the Rabe

2 thoughts on “for the birds”

  1. to visit each portal is to look into the design of the campus, the overall sound structure which is represented by the initial sound (ringing wind) and the resulting spread of sound, its movement determining its sound in different locations. it is literally “piped in” sound across the campus manifesting its design, the movement of air and sound through pipes makes explicit the design of the campus it was completely accidental as far as i know but since i have stopped hearing the church bells (having become desensitized to them because i am not a buddhist monk) it is nice to have some soundscape present on mcdaniel campus which is tunneled through the earth. the bells are evident but these bells are made by the landscape of the campus, not intentionally built. the sound is created by the campus itself, not a bell. the campus is a bell. the campus is a bell which is struck by the winds. i wonder if it would be possible to pipe other sounds thru the campus. there must be a way. put a guitar amp facedown onto one of the pipes and see if it comes out elsewhere. a makeshift public announcement system. using the campus as a public announcement system. if only there was some way to use it as an amplifier.

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