Vote fraud?

I am far from convinced that any significant amount of vote fraud occurred last Tuesday. I’m closer to being convinced that some insignificant (IE, not result-altering) fraud occurred, and that some of those electronic voting machines experienced a few, erm, glitches. Either way, it seems highly unlikely that anything will happen in the next couple of weeks to change the outcome of the election. I’m not even sure, at this point, discovering that much fraud would be a good thing. Sure, Kerry supporters (and former Gore supporters) would feel a bit vindicated, but the effect on voter morale in our already polarized nation might be nearly as damaging as another 4 years of W.

That said, if you’re having trouble letting go, there has been some talk about investigations and recounts. This site urging readers to ACT NOW (!) TO UNHIJACK THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION looks like it could easily be the work of some left-wingers who just can come to grips with reality, but Keith Olbermann of MSNBC has been talking on his blog about the possibility of/need for a closer look.

As Olbermann writes, we do have a need for “a resolution of both DemocratsÂ’ doubts about the legitimacy of the election, and RepublicansÂ’ resentment that there are doubts”. I’m disappointed that this kind of investigation wasn’t automatic on the part of the press — instead we’re right back to hearing about Scott Peterson.

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