Moore & more from the road

First the boring stuff:

Article from The Daily Star encouraging a national dialogue before we create any new departments or cabinet posts or take any other related action. Nothing blazingly new, but makes some interesting points. I take it forgranted that we should have this kind of dialogue, but it’s become obvious that not the entire population feels the same way. I’m glad this author is calling for one in a largely non-partisan way. Thanks again to Kristin Dailey for the link.

‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ has been banned in Kuwait. This isn’t too suprising considering the film’s slant, but is yet another illustration of the danger of that angle. A working relationship with the Middle East is important and perpetuating the idea that involvement with Arab governments is tantamount to condoning terrorism will get us nowhere in the long run, even if it gets Bush out of office in November.

But on to the fun stuff!

I’m writing from the floor of the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Literally, from the floor. LinuxWorld is happening here and while Kevin geeks out at a PGP key signing event, I’m using the free wireless to upload some pictures. The battery on my laptop was dead, though, so I had to find an outlet. This puts me in a hallway, back against the wall, watching the Linuxites as they trickle to their Birds of a Feather meetings. Fascinating, truly.

Anyway, I don’t have all the pictures ready to go, but since I don’t know how long I’ll get to sit here (or how long my legs will tolerate it), I’m uploading what I do have ready now. It’s a bit of Seattle, but mostly scenery as we travelled through Washington State. We took a ferry from Edmonds to Kingston, then followed 101 west and south to Oregon. I’ll have Oregon and California pictures up sometime in the near future.


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