Wrong side of the sunrise

It is just after 4 AM. I think I am going to go to bed soon, but I feel like there is something urgent lurking under the fog of my exhaustion and although I think it is unlikely that I will be able to get it out, I am pushing myself to stay awake for as long as possible in the hope that it will break through.

The last time I went to sleep was at 9 AM on Monday morning, after staying awake through all of Sunday night. I can’t remember the last time I pulled an all-nighter, but this time it felt good. Just after 6 o’clock, it occurred to me that the sun was going to rise soon, so I drove to Goldsboro as fast as I could and sat on the riverbank as the sun ascended past the horizon. Unfortunately, in my sleep deprived state I had neglected to consider the cloud cover, and while there was a small band of sky that turned a lovely pink color, the sunrise itself was less than satisfying.

Additionally, I’d forgotten how loud the morning can be. I savor the night for its quiet, and I tend to think of the early morning in the same way. While it was free of human noise, though, the cacophony of the birds this morning was enough that I had a feeling similar to that of being at a concert or a loud bar, when the volume is so great and the quality so discordant that it permeates your brain, destroying the capacity for coherent thought. This was no gentle chirping, but a full on aural assault.

To maintain the peaceful center I’d achieved during my night of solitude and had hoped to enhance through communion with nature, I focused instead on the soft and placid steam rising slowly, almost meditatively, from the TMI towers. I let it carry me up, sometimes curling around the flared edges of the concrete walls before fading into the less graceful clouds that covered the sky.

I noted once, in high school, that from certain angles, the TMI clouds were obtrusive enough to block the sunrise from view. I resented them for it. This morning, I was grateful for their calming presence.

Deliberate Living

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about deliberate living — about making conscious decisions about what I want my life to be and being aware of how my actions fit with that image in every moment. I’m very aware that I spend much of my time living inattentively at best, but to live more deliberately requires not only a nearly constant concerted effort, but also an awareness of what I want out of my life to a degree that I don’t currently have. Now that I’m unemployed I have, at least in theory, more decisions to make about how I spend my time than I have had in a long time, and it’s becoming increasingly important to me to get as much life as possible out of each second of the day. Sometimes that means just closing my eyes and enjoying the stillness or even playing a game of computer solitaire, but more it sinks in that I don’t have to get in my car and go to work, the less interested I am in doing nothing. This has me thinking about what I do want to do with my time, not only on a moment-to-moment basis, but also in terms of the larger things I want to do with my life and the kind of person I want to be.

Coincidentally, I recently stumbled upon 2dobeforeidie.com, a site encouraging people to make lists of 100 things they’d like to do before they die. It’s not a new idea, certainly there are many “inspirational” stories about people making this kind of conscious decision to do something fun or interesting in their life and then going to incredible lengths to make it happen, but it is one that appeals to me. I’m trying to make a list, but coming up with 100 things is hard. It means thinking in both very narrow and very broad scopes about what I want out of life, but it’s still a small enough number that I think I’m going to have to make some hard decisions as to what makes the list and what doesn’t.

I’m far from done, but here are some samples:

Take a road trip with no time constraints or monetary limitations
Find my soulmate
Get a book of poetry published
Eat pasta in Italy
Watch the sun set over the Pacific
Watch the sun set over the Atlantic
Learn to keep things clean
Document my family history
Develop a coherent political philosophy
Develop a coherent spiritual philosophy
Watch the sun rise over the Atlantic
Watch the sun rise over the Pacific

Eventually I’m going to add another page with the complete list, and update it as I complete things. I’d also love to hear about what other people would put on their lists.

New Poetry

As the title of this post would imply, I’ve updated the poetry section. Some of them are new, some of them are old. What they all have in common is that I read them last night at The Alley. They’re even in the order in which I read them.

As a side note, the reading last night went very well. Snow surprised me by having Sara Bozich come in to introduce me, which was very cool. Sara and I were very close in high school as we were both discovering a love for writing. While I cringe to think about some of the things I wrote back then, having friends who shared my passion was important (as, of course, it still is) and passing notes full of poetry back and forth throughout the day did a lot to keep me sane.

Maybe a year or two before Sara and I were passing notes in German class, the father of a friend of mine brought home a box of chapbooks by a co-worker of his named Gene Hosey. It was just starting to occur to me that maybe I thought poets were kinda cool when I saw that box, and though I don’t think I ever did read the chapbook, it was my first introduction to the idea that there were some of these kinda-cool-poet-folks in a world at least adjacent to mine, if not actually in my world. Last night was the first time I saw Gene read at any length and he very much reinforced this crazy idea I have that poets are pretty okay. His work is sharp, funny, human, and crazy. I spoke with him a bit last night, and my impression is that he is much like his poetry. It was an honor to be featured with him.