
“H” is right, this blog has been boring lately. Sorry about that.

Sometimes I set my alarm for 5am in the hopes that when it goes off I will be willing to get out of bed, maybe do some yoga, and then take my coffee and my freshly renewed brain to a desk and write for a while before it’s time to rush out the door. Normally when my alarm goes off at 5am, though, I set it to 6:15 and go back to sleep. But last night I went to bed an hour earlier than usual, and when it woke me up at 5am I was in the middle of a slightly disturbing dream (don’t remember, sorry), and I woke up gratefully and easily. So now it’s 5:55am, and I am sitting on the couch in my yoga attire, a glass of iced espresso beside me, and I thought I’d try to do something about the boringness of this blog.

No promises on that, though, as I’m not sure I have anything particularly interesting to write about. My life has been very narrowly focused lately, on myself, my home, and my job. Also on The Sims. When I have been writing recently, it’s been for work, writing the letter for our Annual Campaign. That’s been finished, returned miraculously quickly by the printer, and now all that remains is 1,600 envelopes to be stuffed, addressed, stamped, and sealed. That’ll take up most of today and tomorrow. Please make your gift (to The Circle School) by December 31st. Remember, it’s 100% tax-deductible!

I should probably weigh in on this whole presidential campaign thing at some point. So far, though, I’m mostly sans opinion. Like every other liberal-leaning person in the world I think Clinton, Obama, and Edwards are all decent options, but none of them have me really excited. In fairness to them, I haven’t been active enough about seeking out information to have anything to base excitement on, so that may not be their fault. I’m also thinking I should look into the Republican candidates, especially in light of the Romney revelation that they’re all pro-choice. At this point all I’m really sure of is that I won’t be voting for Chris Dodd, or anyone else who’s willing to say out loud that national security is more important than human rights. I’m pretty sure Ben Franklin predicted that moment.

At this moment, 6:15 is rapidly approaching, and that means it’s time for me to go upstairs and begin the rush to get out the door.